Color trends and a pile of scrap metal

Rusty metal as a source of inspiration: the trend scouts from Wörwag love unusual spots in their search for new colors. Because these places stimulate and inspire the senses.

A scrapyard brings to mind thoughts of bronze, of patinas, of years gone by, and of depth. What colors move us? And which colors will we love two years from now? Our color detectives have struck gold in their search for trends.

We let a trainee mix his favorite color. A psychologist explains the impact of this potpourri of color on our psyche. And we ask ourselves the question that never goes away: Is black a color? Or isn’t it?

Production and Technology

Paint under stress

At Wörwag, one hundred employees use state-of-the-art lab equipment to ensure that the paint delivers what the color promises. And that expertise benefits external customers as well when quality and economy are of the essence.

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Production and Technology

Kristin Jandke’s Feeling for Color

Never mind clairvoyants: if you’re looking for new color trends, you need to hold a mirror up to society. Trends are not set; they evolve. Wörwag, too, has its finger on the pulse. You can see that in our creation of new trend colors for exterior paints. - To the Article

Blaues Licht für Autofahrer? Wenn die gelernten Farben der Ampel abweichen, kommt der Straßenverkehr ins Stocken. ©shutterstock

“Color influences our sense of taste”

Does red evoke infatuation or trigger anger? Does pink have a calming effect? And how does green light influence wine tastings? Psychologist Dr. Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel explains how colors can outwit the psyche. - To the Article

Production and Technology
Haben den Bogen raus: Lackingenieurin Nicole Hörner und der angehende Lacklaborant Felix Bischoff mit den einzelnen Zutaten, die zusammengemischt die gelbgrüne Fahrradfarbe ergeben. ©Frederik Laux

Yellow-green and pearlescent, please

The ideal paint for apprentice Felix Bischoff’s new bicycle does not yet exist. How convenient that Wörwag’s designers work just a few floors above his department. - To the Article

Ken Aston war bei der Fußball- Weltmeisterschaft 1966 Chef der Schiedsrichter. Im Viertelfinale Argentinien gegen England in Wembley stellte ein deutscher Schiedsrichter einen Argentinier vom Platz. Der verstand das aber nicht und blieb. ©Halbautomaten Kommunikationsdesign

Interesting and odd facts about colors

How red, yellow etc. influence perception - To the Article